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Friday, June 13, 2008

PROPERTY : How To Increase Viewer On Your Property Portal

I really want to come out with this topic. Because I think that some of the property portal owner in Malaysia still not really understand what is the main function of their property portal.

In general, when I do a research about some of the property portal in Malaysia..what can i tell u here is..the suitable word I can say is "YOU NEED TO IMPROVE YOUR PORTAL!!!".

So today..I will share with you all in my blog "How to improve your property portal?":

1. Do a research about your company colour. I prefer your portal background colour came from your company colour (for easy understanding).
2. Come out with simple website, but very helpfull for viewer.
3. If having a listing, try to arrange the position of your listing. State with horizontal.
4. For photo album, only view at least 3 images (3 differents size).
5. Try to locate your property, my suggestion is using the map provider like GoogleMaps, Navi & Map or

I hope this will helps you all.

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